brain cancer awareness


Saturday, March 10, 2012

Mass at OLOL Hospital

Today we went to Our Lady of the Lake hospital for a mass given for children who have passed in the last 5 years.  There was a nurse that works in PEDS 1 who told her story about her child who had cancer and passed in 2000.  The hurt never goes away. Everything she said I totally got!  It was the first time someone I talked to knew exactly what I was thinking and feeling.  She told me she noticed I keep a smile on my face and thats what she did but she knows how I really feel behind the smile.

They guided us put a butterfly on a tree with Bella's name on it.  Then they played Somewhere Over the Rainbow.  It was so special but I definitely could not hold back the tears.  Thank you for honoring and remembering our children.

I have to say it gets harder and harder everyday that goes by and I'm sad to say I can't imagine it getting any easier.



  1. Barbara BrouilletteMarch 10, 2012 at 7:44 PM

    What a wonderful way to remember Bella and the other children who have been lost due to cancer. My heart breaks for you and Trey.

  2. My heart breaks for you all.... I wish I would have met you under different circumstances. You are so strong spriritually and I just know that strength comes from knowing Christ and knowing your baby girl is in arms. I hope you are comforted in that fact, but no doubt miss her terribly. You too, are an Angel on earth and are doing such good things. Bellas memory will live on in what you are doing and All the people you have touched and continue to do so.....I will continue to tell people about her too.


Deuteronomy 31:6
Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble, for the Lord your God will not fail you or forsake you.